囧英雄 Some Kind of Hero

囧英雄 Some Kind of Hero, 1982

7.1 1982.04.02上映
美國 英語 劇情,喜劇,戰爭 97 分鐘
No-luck Eddie Keller loses everything but his sense of humor in this bitterly funny comedy drama. Eddie is the heroic misfit who finds that life at home contains more nightmares than his six years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam. 理查普萊歐在片中飾演一無所有卻懂得苦中作樂的艾迪,在當了六年的越戰戰俘後返家,卻發現家庭生活比打戰還慘。瑪歌基德在片中飾演比佛利山莊的有錢妓女。